Friday, November 23, 2012

Election Results

Election Results
Nov, 23, 2012

Dear Hank;

The election is over and the guy everyone who was sane thought would win did. And just like the people who prognosticate about a lottery or a horserace before the drawing or the race, have all but vanished. Naturally, there are a few holdouts but they are in fantasy land or as we call it in this country Fox News. There is some evidence that three counties in Ohio were set to be rigged much like they were in 2008, but the proof like the prognosticators of err, is hard to find.
What we do know is that: 
Florida is just as screwed up now as it was in passed elections, but thankfully it didn’t matter,
Romney got more votes than McCain,
Obama did about as well in urban areas as he did before, maybe a little better, despite carping by Mr Ryan that it was this non-fact that swung the election,
Mr. Rove and his money failed to convince voters in every race but one where he put his money to use.
Obama did better in N.J. and surrounding area than the polls had suggested. Also, he did better in Mississippi and surrounding states than suggested and this might be a “Sandy” effect. But he also did better in California and Alaska. Romney did significantly better in West Virginia and areas throughout the Appalachians, was this the effect of his coal talk or the underlying racism that is prevalent in the area?

Whatever conclusions one takes away from these facts one thing is certain the America of the 1950s is gone and it’s not coming back. There is one party that is trying to do everything it can to stop the inevitable and there is another party that is embracing the change. 

How much one party can continue to obstruct and lie about what is really going on in this country remains to be seen. However, there are some positive things on the horizon. As more and more of Obamacare gets implemented, and it will by 2014, more and more people will see that it directly benefits them and the silly arguments of the naysayers, most of whom are being paid to say nay or are too stupid to see they are being duped, will, like the prognosticators of a landslide for Mr. Romney and his ilk, will begin to evaporate.