Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Hank,

I can’t keep silent anymore. I’ve seen a recent headline and I’ve got to tell you I’m personally distressed. It reads and I quote (if I can find it...:)

“ Will Kardashian backlash hurt ‘Kourtney and Kim take New York’? “

Finally, a news story we can sink our teeth into.

No more debating “Is pizza a vegetable?” (It is Congress said so. Another Congress in Indiana set pi to 3 so let’s stop quibbling over ‘.14 bla bla bla’ - case closed.)

Here we’ve got a real story.

First let’s get the facts out in the open: “Is there a Kardashian backlash?”

Well, obviously, otherwise they wouldn’t have made a headline out of it now would they? (btw Just because World news closed up shop does not mean there aren’t aliens next door to you in the RV park. I just want to be clear here.)

Okay, so there’s a Kardashian backlash. From who? From where? We don’t know. Why? We haven’t read the article. But let’s ignore that for the moment and concentrate on the issue at hand, “Will it hurt ‘Kourtney and Kim take New York’?”

Let’s break this down, slice it and dice it and see what we come up with - okay?

There are two schools of thought and one outlier: Yes, No, and ‘who gives a xxx?’ There are any number of substitutions that can be made for the ‘xxx’ mentioned previously, among them: “rat’s behind”, “feces”, “flying copulation” - to name a few.

Let’s look at the “Yes” side of things. It is highly likely some would argue that people may be so upset at the Kardashians that they won’t tune in to see if Kim and Kourtney go shopping in the Big Apple or not. I view this as a remote possibility for those who regularly tune in to the Kardashian shows. I mean love ‘em or hate ‘em if you ain’t watching you can comment. Am I right? Am I right? boo-yeah.

Okay, then looks look at the “No” side of this issue. Well, if it’s “no, it won’t hurt them” then we need to look no further into this side of things because it won’t hurt them and that’s the question we were trying to answer.

Let’s look at possibility number three: who gives a xxx?

Well, in this case “Yes or No” really doesn’t matter.

I think the status is quo.

So by ruthless logic I think we have come to the answer.

I hope you’ll be able to sleep better tonight.

Now, onto “Secrets of the Hollywood Celebrities.”

By before I go there let me comment that I saw “Say Yes to the Dress.”

This is a long running show on cable TV. I somehow missed it until my daughter showed it to me. It centers around brides to be not being able to make up their minds as to which dress to wear when they get married. I don’t know how I’ve missed this show.

But it reminds me of the old SNL monologue where Eddie Murphy assures parents that regardless of how fat, ugly, or inept your child is “Everybody gets it on prom night.”

Similarly, “Say Yes to the Dress” has shown me that no matter how fat, homely, ugly or mentally challenged one is someone will marry you.

Just look at Kim and Kris!

Ah bliss.

I gotta go.

Someone is knocking on the door wearing a rubber suit.


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