Tuesday, December 11, 2012

End of the World

Dear Hank,

I must deal with the end of the world and tomorrow.

Tomorrow is 12/12/12 in both the American and the European date systems!
The end of the world is scheduled for 12/21/12.
Do you see that the only thing different are the two numbers in the middle of this?
The 2 and the 1 have switched places!
How could this be?
It’s backwards.
You know who makes things turn out backwards (cue Dana Carvey as Churchlady) “SATAN” (zoom in catch the slight facial twitch - thank-you.)

How do I know this is true? 
Well that’s easy: take each set of digits and add them together.
so 12/12/12 becomes 3/3/3 
and 12/21/12 also is 3/3/3
Coincidence? I think not.
Now add the two sets of numbers together 3/3/3 + 3/3/3 is 6/6/6.

And there you have it SATAN is behind this.

‘Nuff said.

Gotta go The Reverse Mortgage Man is at the door.



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