Ask a demented old man to negotiate his health care - really?
Ask a demented old man to negotiate his health care - really?
Dear Hank;
History has a funny way of repeating itself. I remember as a kid reading about Ulysses S. Grant as a president. He had about the most corrupt government we’ve ever seen. The term lobbyist was coined when he was in office. (He used to go across the street to read the paper in the lobby of the hotel there. People would hang out there to make their entreaties and were termed lobbyists. His term was in the 1880 and I always thought that about that time we’d see our government get more corrupt in the 1980s.
I figured it would last much the way it did then for about 40 or 50 years with some stops along the way to try and right the ship of state. I’d say we are about half way through this time of corruption and self serving. One man, be it Teddy Roosevelt or Barack Obama, can’t stop it. They can slow it down, break up bits, and try to lay the seeds for a better future but not unless and until there is a huge ground swell of support can the evil practices really be stopped.
I was pleased to read that in Benghazi, where our ambassador to Libya was killed, the local people had had enough of the militia behind the attack and overran their compound and drove them out of the city. Perhaps, similar actions here will be needed.
Before that can happen I think we need to take a page out of Samuel L. Jackson’s video and “Wake the Fuck Up!”
Let’s start with a simple question. Do you want to hand your father or grandfather a check from the government and say to them, “Hey, go negotiate your own health care, hope this is enough.” That’s Paul Ryan’s suggestion.
I can’t figure out if Ryan is wet behind those big ears or just plain stupid between them. Medicare was put in place because the insurance companies would not insure people in that age group except at very very high rates if at all. The cost to seniors has ben calculated to be in the neighborhood of $12,500. That does not take into account that many seniors are not all there and would not be able to negotiate much of anything. I see this as a massive scheme to defraud our seniors of any sense of dignity while being ripped off by the kind of companies that Rick Scott created. Remember Mr. Fifth amendment 75 times in his Medicare Fraud Case of $1.7 billion?
So what chance does a demented old person with a voucher have against a shark like Rick Scott?
If you think that’s a fair deal then vote for Paul Ryan and what his name, the empty suit.
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